Invitation to Free Online Training Course: Information Security Specialist in Remote Work (ISSRW), Tuesday, 2 February 2021 from 15:00 CETSponsored by British Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo (BCCK) this course and examination test will be free for BCCK Members.Course Overview
The Information Security Specialist in Remote Working training course is an online course based on best practice on information security for remote working. In this one-day course, individuals and teams are provided with practical and technical knowledge and methods to ensure a safe and secure working environment. The training is packed with the Trainer Slides that will be presented by the trainer, and the Training Handbook developed to help the candidate understand the learning material.Learning Objectives
• Become familiar with the concept and application of remote work.
• Understand remote work management during unexpected events.
• Understand the interrelation of remote work with business continuity.
• Become familiar with concepts related to IT infrastructure.
• Understand the impact of remote work in information security.
• Understand the risk management processes to identify threats related to remote work.
• Learn how to safeguard organisational assets by implementing security controls.Trainer
Albion Bikliqi: CISTCK is a Software Development and Cyber Security Company that provides Software Development and TRECCERT GmbH Cyber Security Training Courses and Certification. Moreover, CISTCK in its portfolio includes Information System Administration Services for its clients, Network and Server in Cloud.
Time and Date
Tuesday, 2 February 2021
14:50 Recommended Login time
15:00 Welcome and TreccerT Programme
15:15 ISSRW
Trainer Albion Biklqi, CISTCK Chief Executive
17:45 Open Q&AQ&A
Breakout Rooms – Ask your questions
We now offer all attendees with additional questions related to training course.Do you have a question?
Then please submit it in advance of the event in order for us to best prepare. You can submit your question(s) here.Who should attend?
The Information Security Specialist in Remote Working training course is developed for any professional who is actively involved in managing, implementing, and/or auditing a remote working environment. This may include people from different roles or tasks such as IT, Information Security, Implementation or Audit. Candidates will learn how to safeguard organisational assets by implementing information security controls through an organisational approach.
Three (3) hoursBenefits
Candidates will learn how to safeguard organisational assets by implementing information security controls through an organisational approach using some basic International Information Security Framework from ISO 27001.TreccerT offers a range of quality training courses that are Globally recognised, developed to provide individuals with the skills and strategic edge in the ICT industry. We deliver the very best training programs for professionals and organisations on a wide range of topics with emphasis on current ICT best practice and on demanded competencies.Candidates will learn how Information Security Training and Certification by CISTCK and TreccerT GmbH will help them understand that safeguarding of information is most important for companies or organisations.Online Course
This is an online course where participants will get the training material in their email and be able to read while the trainer will give the course.Examination Test
Exam date and time will be coordinated with participants individually and is toll free.Recognition
TreccerT certificates are Globally recognised https://treccert.comRegistration you are not a member, and would like to become a member of the British Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo (BCCK), please contact Bekim Kastrati directly at [email protected].